Zaha Hadid. Beyond Boundaries, Art and Design
04/09/2012 - 03/11/2012
Ivorypress will be presenting the exhibition Zaha Hadid. Beyond Boundaries, Art and Design, as part of the annual architecture programme celebrated each autumn. The exhibition will open on September 4 th 2012. The show sets out a wide view of the artistic body of work of the architect Zaha Hadid (Baghdad, Iraq, 1950), which reflects her personal and unorthodox world-view.Ivorypress will be presenting the exhibition Zaha Hadid. Beyond Boundaries, Art and Design, as part of the annual architecture programme celebrated each autumn. The exhibition will open on September 4 th 2012. The show sets out a wide view of the artistic body of work of the architect Zaha Hadid (Baghdad, Iraq, 1950), which reflects her personal and unorthodox world-view.To Know More : Saber más : Savoir plus :
Where : oú : donde :
Ivorypress Art+Books BookShop
C/Comandante Zorita 48 - 46
28020 Madrid Spain
T +34 91 449 09 61
Open: Monday to Friday: 10:00 -14:00 / 16:30 - 20:00. Saturday: 11:00 - 14:00
Nota :
During August, IvorypressSpace will be closed due to the mounting of the exhibionZaha Hadid. Beyond Boundaries, Art and Design whichopens on 4 September. The bookshop, which will be closedfrom 6th through 19th, will open from Monday to Friday 10amto 2pm and 4.30pm to 7pm
Durante el mesde agosto Ivorypress Space permanecerá cerrado debidoal montaje de la exposición Zaha Hadid. BeyondBoundaries, Art and Design que inaugura el 4 deseptiembre. La librería, que cerrará del 6 al19 de agosto, abrirá de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a14:00 y de 16:30 a 19:00 h