martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018

Artes que Cuentan : Artistas que Cuentan Le Festival Biarritz Amerique Latine

Jusqu'au 30 Septembre 2018  Biarritz s'ouvre á vous.
Chaque jour du cinéma, de la littérature, des expositions, de la Musique, des cours de danse...

Regardez le programme du Mercredi 26 Septembre, et des autres jours
" pour préparer votre week-end " :
En plus, vous pourrez accéder gratuitement de 9h à 2h du matin
au village du festival Biarritz Amérique Latine situé face à l' Océan.
Savoir plus : to Know More : Saber más :

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018

Artes que Cuentan : Artistas que Cuentan The Let Go a present from Charisse Glenn inspiration

through her experience gained in contact with horses and along her life.

" The Let Go is a term I would use when I trained horses.
To train a horse you apply pressure to cue them to do something

and then the nanosecond they move away from the pressure
which mean they are complying with the cue, you release the pressure."
Charisse Glenn The Let Go

Savoir plus : To know more : Saber más :
Charisse invites us to comment the posts and to share your own Let Go moments Here :
Writing on The Let Go " A pathway to happiness, love and balance " this song;
a perfect illustration about letting go ?

sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2018

Artes que Cuentan : Artistas que Cuentan Tennessee Williams Playright and Painter Miami Beach USA

Williams is most widely known for his plays.Toward the end of his life, gradually gave up writing
for painting; for him painting was an easier form of self-expression.

Tennessee Williams, Michael York, ca. 1970, oil and pencil on canvas.
Collection of David Wolkowski. Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU

Exibit until October 7, 2018 at Jewish Museum of Florida Miami Beach USA
To know more : saber más : Savoir plus about the Jewish Museum :
Artnews offers us the opportunity to discover William's paintings 
" Courtesy The Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU ", a real pleasure :